Explore 2,757 companies in Norway
LINK Medical is a leading CRO and provider of Regulatory service for both Pre Marketing and Post Marketing. We offer a wide range of experts, flexible services, and innovative technologies for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries across Northern Europe and beyond. With our transparent N
Vector Software is an experienced IT outsourcing company offering premium custom offshore development services. Established in 2014 the company has quickly grown into a prosperous software development company with headquarters in Lviv, Ukraine and Oslo, Norway. Due to the high-quality services provi
Klaveness Combination Carrier ASA owns and operates a fleet of combination carriers. We have since the 1950s continuously developed and refined vessel design and equipment, operational procedures and crew training to provide customers with the most effective, reliable and high quality shipping servi
TOMRA was founded on an innovation in 1972 that began with the design, manufacturing and sale of reverse vending machines (RVMs) for automated collection of used beverage containers. Today TOMRA provides technology-led solutions that enable the circular economy with advanced collection and sorting s
The NG Group is Norway's leading environmental services provider and a key actor in Northern Europe. We offer a wide range of sustainable waste management and recycling solutions, working with businesses, industry and local authorities across the country. Working across four main areas, our solutio
Velkommen til Halden kommunes nettsted. Her finner du informasjon om våre tjenester for deg som bor i Halden - Norges vakreste by.
Omtre is an essential part of the circular wood industry. We deliver circular solutions. Our expertise is in building and construction technology, construction process, wood technology, moisture management and treatment, scanning, architecture, product design, system design, environmental engineerin
BAUHAUS etablerte seg i Norge i 2007. Det første varehuset ble etablert på Liertoppen, sydvest for Oslo. Her er også vårt norske Servicesenter og Kundeservice plassert. Senere, i 2010, åpnet det andre varehuset i Vestby, sydøst for Oslo. I 2022 vil 2 nye varehus se dagsens lys i hhv. Haugesund og St
KLP was established in 1949, and is today Norway's largest life insurance company. We will provide safe and competitive financial and insurance services to municipalities and county municipalities, health trusts and to companies in both the public sector and companies associated with this and their
Large-scale complex solution to cognitively transform your IT landscape, generate new clients, make existing ones still happier, strengthen the company’s image. The solution comprises a few major integrated blocks which distinguishes it from pure chatbots or ordinary automated contact centers and ma
1 follower
The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate is responsible for managing the country's water and energy resources.
Consulting, design and engineering for offshore, coastal and civil construction. Dr.techn.Olav Olsen AS shall be leading with respect to application of technology for development of new and better solutions within its fields of business. Through innovative solutions, use of new technology and per
Multiconsult is one of the leading firms of architectures, consulting engineers and designers in Norway. With roots dating back to 1908, the company has played an important role in Norway’s development and economic growth. Thanks to its 2 800 highly skilled members of staff, the company is able to p
At Horizon56, we aim to digitalize the Oil & Gas well construction process, by closing the gap between planning & execution, as well as between on and oÂffshore. We do this by providing solutions that brings all project stakeholders together in one platform, with digitalized workflows and informat
1 follower
The paper edition had a circulation of 46,250 copies in 2016, down from a peak of 228,834 in 1994.
1 follower
Norstat is one of the leading data collectors for market research in Europe. Since the founding of the company we have built a robust network of over 2 million respondents across 19 countries. We have the capabilities to gather precise and trustworthy data about any desired topic or target group.
Odontia er et nytt og spennende fellesskap av de fremste lokale tannlegene og fag-teamene rundt dem. Vi er opptatt av å gjøre en forskjell og skape gode rammer for faglig utvikling. I Odontia skal alle oppleve at de blir sett og ivaretatt - både pasienter og medarbeidere. Odontia er i sterk vekst o
Servicegrossistene leverer varer for storhusholdning og storkjøkken til hele landet.
Miles provides IT projects delivered by teams of consultants from their offices in Norway and India. Their project model is based on developing IT solutions by using highly skilled teams at a price level that is competitive in the international market. They offer various delivery models, which can a
Helping humans be brilliant through automation Aivero offers a robotics service that simplifies 3D machine vision-based automation. Our solution is powered by our proprietary 3D depth compression and streaming software enables 3d perception applications to run natively in the cloud. We call it smoo
Crayon is the global leader in software asset management (SAM), cloud and volume licensing, and associated consulting services, and is a trusted advisors to many of the globe's leading organizations.
West Monroe provides professional consulting services to businesses across many industries including Banking & Credit Unions, Capital Markets, Private Equity, Insurance, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Energy & Utilities, Retail, Manufacturing & Distributio...
Odfjell Drilling is an international drilling, well service and engineering company with more than 2500 employees and operations in more than 20 countries. The company was listed on the Oslo Stock exchange 27. September 2013.
Bouvet ASA is a Scandinavian company that provides consultancy and development services in information technology and integrated communication to public and private sector enterprises.
The Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI) is an independent foundation engaged in research on international environmental, energy and resource management politics and law. Within this framework the institute's research is mainly grouped around seven focal points: - Global environmental governance and
Scout Drone Inspection is developing an autonomous drone that will provide a complete visual inspection.
Start NTNU er en studentorganisasjon som jobber aktivt for at nyskaping og entreprenørskap skal bli en større del av det akademiske miljøet på NTNU. Vi ønsker at studenter skal ha tro på egne ideer og få kunnskap om hvordan ideer blir til reell verdiskaping. Samtidig tilbyr Start NTNU en arena for k
Glamox is a Norwegian industrial group that develops, manufactures and distributes lighting solutions for the global professional market. Our mission is to provide sustainable lighting solutions that improve the performance and wellbeing of people. We are a leading supplier to the world’s marine and
Vi er et kompetansehus for forretningsdrift! Vi leverer tjenester innen regnskap, controlling, rådgivning, HR, compliance & fondsadministrasjon for over 600 kunder! I Statement er vi en mangfoldig gjeng, fra nyutdannede til de med mye erfaring på komplekse temaer. Dette gir oss et bredt spekter av
UDI har ansvar for behandling av søknader fra utlendinger som vil besøke eller bo i Norge, drift av asylmottak og utvisningssaker.
Itera is specializing in communication and technology. They work in multidisciplinary teams to deliver projects and services to Nordic businesses who achieve their goals through smart use of technology.
Rystad Energy is an independent energy research and business intelligence company providing data, tools, analytics and consultancy services to the global energy industry.
Regjeringen.no skal gi befolkningen innsikt i regjeringens og departementenes arbeid og skape engasjement i demokratiske prosesser.
ABAX is a developer and supplier of Car Logbooks -Triplogs, Car tracker systems, Fleet Control software and Equipment Control technology, to businesses who operate company vehicles. Our products are world-leading in their respective fields and have already helped numerous customers to reduce the ove
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration is responsible for the planning, construction and operation of the national and county road networks, vehicle inspection and requirements, driver training and licensing. It is also authorized to grant subsidies for ferry operations. The Public Roads Admi
Sykehuspartner HF has the overall responsibility for delivering ICT, HR and logistics services to all the hospitals in Helse.
1 follower
Piscada develops software for industrial IT, process control and analytics with a focus to bridge the gap between operations and IT.
We are experts in problem solving using polymers! A global supplier of polymer solutions to industries with years of experience in defense, oil and gas and renewable energy. Due to our high level of expertise in using rubber in demanding environments, we are able to provide bespoke engineered soluti
Vi i Aider mener at regnskapsbransjen må redefineres. Vi liker tall. Elsker dem, faktisk. Men for oss er ikke et korrekt regnskap selve målet – det er bare starten. Det er fundamentet alt annet bygges på. Vi er et ledende kompetansehus som legger lista når det kommer til teknologi og flinke folk. Vi
Advokatfirmaet Selmer was founded in 1985 and is one of the largest and most recognized corporate law firms in Norway. We provide business law advice accompanied by financial expertise and have a unique blend of professionals in the Norwegian law firm market. We have a large network within the priv
In 2011, Imerys Minerals and Norsk Minerals merged their key production plants—Spruce Pines, North Carolina, and Drag, Norway—to form The Quartz Corp (TQC). This 50/50 joint venture, capitalising on the expertise of both companies, and Imerys’ access to the world's purest quartz deposit, has enable
We manage occupational pensions for current and former employees of government institutions, higher education (teachers), research institutions, pharmacies and other organizations connected to the public sector. We are an organization under the Norwegian Department for Employment and Inclusion an
IDÉ House of Brands delivers profile products, clothing, gifts and promotional products to the corporate market. The products work best when you select a product like unders pulls the target your organization wants to achieve. IDÉ will be happy to help you choose the product. We have more than 20 ye
Innovatec - Innovative Technologies is a systems development company with proficiencies in systems development, knowledge management, and decision automation. Our main customers are Norwegian Municipalities and The Norwegian Government. Our vision is to be a long-term supplier of specialist servic
Fornybar. Elektrisk. Digital. Et av Norges største fornybarselskap. Flest lynladerstasjoner i Norge. 39 vannkraftverk. Skal bli størst på elektrifisering i Norge. Landstrøm til skip. Ladenettverk for elbåter. Smarte IoT-nett. Stamnett for fiber.
Siden 2004 har VIEW Group hjulpet bedrifter med å effektivisere regnskap – økonomi – og forretningsprosesser fra skyen. Vi er et kompetansehus bestående av både økonomer, regnskapsførere, lønnsspesialister, teknologer og IT- folk. I VIEW Group – konsernet har vi egne team som har spesialisert seg
Velkommen til Protect Vakthold & Sikkerhet Vi leverer sikkerhet til arrangement, uteliv, private og næringsliv. Vår visjon er å være markedsleder i vårt segment. Vi ønsker å være en stabil og langsiktig sikkerhetspartner for våre kunder. Dette jobber vi for å få til ved hjelp av høy fleksibilitet,