Srinivas Kiran M

Kiran has about 25 years of engineering and management experience in the IT industry. Prior to co-founding Zetagile, Kiran was Vice President & Head of Product development division at Innominds. He spearheaded Innominds foray into product development in the space of Big Data Analytics and Data Science. Kiran shaped a multi-year roadmap for the flagship product iFusion Analytics built on top of the open source stack, Spark / Spark ML, Hadoop, Presto, Sqoop, Flume, Kafka, OpenAM augmented with rich Graphical User Interface.

Kiran held several senior product development global leadership positions in IBM Software Group, spent for about 11 year at IBM. Kiran was promoter and co-founder of iNuCom India, which Ascential and later IBM acquired in 2005. At IBM the products that Kiran led include Intelligent Data Movement & Data Refinery Engineering for Cloud, BigInsights, InfoSphere Streams, Text Analytics and Information Sever. Prior to co-founding iNuCom, Kiran was with MVP Systems building Database JDBC / ODBC drivers for different Database vendors and with Funschool.com as Gaming Engine developer.

Kiran brings deep expertise in delivering Enterprise, Cloud-native software for Middleware and Cognitive Analytics, leveraging Big Data & Machine Learning techniques. Passionate about bringing innovative products to the market working on open technologies, and with the ecosystem of business partners and data scientists. Kiran has Extensive experience of setting up and managing Research, Software Development & L3 Support organisations. Kiran is very innovation focused and right now passionate about disruption as opening new possibility in the digital world of SMBs making our lives easier, saving costs and driving innovation forward.

Kiran has good patent portfolio in the space of Parallel processing and Data Integration, comes with 10 U.S patent issuances / filings.

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