Yuanqing Yang

Advisor at WI Harper Group

Mr. Yang is chairman and chief executive officer of Lenovo. He returned to the chairman post in 2011 and has been leading Lenovo’s global business as CEO since 2009. Mr. Yang has served as chairman of the board of Lenovo Group Limited previously from 2005-to 2009, after having held the CEO position prior to 2005. Mr. Yang joined Lenovo in 1989. Under his leadership, Lenovo has been China’s best-selling PC brand since 1997. In 1999, Lenovo ranked first in PC sales in Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan) and has maintained this position ever since.

Mr. Yang has been named “Asian Businessman of the Year,” by Forbes Asia. He also was named as one of the “Stars of Asia” by BusinessWeek magazine and has been selected by the Chinese media as one of China’s “Ten Star Entrepreneurs” and “Ten Most Valuable Managers.” He was also named by CCTV as a “Man of the Year” in 2004. He holds a master’s degree from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Science and Technology of China. Mr. Yang is also a member of the National Youth Association Committee, director of China’s Entrepreneurs’ Association, a guest professor at the University of Science and Technology of China, and a member of the New York Stock Exchange’s International Advisory Committee.