Sébastien Schweitzer

Director, Information Technology at Voisin Consulting Life Sciences

As Director of Information Technology at VCLS, Sébastien is responsible for devising IT strategy and providing leadership to the Company in this field.

He ensures the level of quality provided by IT systems and applications is fully aligned with the Company’s business expectations and requirements, by anticipating changes and proposing new platforms that can bring business added-value, or a competitive advantage, to the Company.

In addition to managing two IT teams, one located in Paris and the other in Lausanne, Sébastien is also a member of the VCLS Executive Committee.

He has a broad professional experience in IT (IT strategy, security, processes, architecture, digital transformation), built over 22+ years in the French Navy, in a medical equipment research center, in consulting, and lately in private banking in Luxembourg.

Sébastien holds a double Executive Master’s degree in IT strategy from HEC Paris (Hautes Etudes Commerciales de Paris) and MINES Paristech, a Master in IT from the University of Le Mans, France and a number of certifications including CISSP, digital transformation director and ITIL.
