1 follower

VM first opened its doors in 1878 as Victoria Mutual Building Society (VMBS). Led by the Reverend G.W. Downer, the Rector of the Kingston Parish Church, a group of clergymen formed VMBS with a vision of “meeting the needs of the deserving thrifty”. Their mission was to, through the power of mutuali... Read more





Org chart

Courtney Campbell
Group President & CEO

Courtney Campbell

Conroy Rose
Chief Sales Officer
Rezworth Burchenson
CEO-VM Wealth Management
Maurice Barnes
CEO-VM Innovations
Peter Reid
CEO-Building Society Operations
Michael Neita
CEO-VM Property Services Limited
Paul Elliott
Deputy CEO, Building Society Operations
Sheena Wedderburn-Reid
Group Chief Digital Officer
Dayton Robinson
Group CHRO
René Allen - Casey
Group Chief Internal Auditor
Devon Barrett
Group Chief Investment Officer & Head of Strategic Investments Unit
Nicola Anderson
Chief Operating Officer
Carla Mcintosh Gordon
Group Chief Strategy Officer
Keri-Gaye Brown
Group Chief Legal, Risk & Compliance Officer & Corporate Secretary
Judith Forth Blake
Group Chief Customer & Brand Officer