
1 follower


TSC uses AI and the most advanced stakeholder technology to solve really hard problems for some of the biggest companies, governments, and non-profits around the globe.




Org chart

Terence Lyons
CEO & Founder

Terence Lyons

Amalia Casas
General Manager, LATAM
Jamillie Chia
Head Of Marketing
Jérôme Kusters
Head of Strategy & Partnerships; ESG Lead
Marina C. B. Campello Lima
Business Manager | Head of People
Syed Shahid I
Head of Customer Success
Jackie Khoa Pham
Head of Product
Cristina Moreno
Data Specialist
Giovanna Alevato
Analista De Due Diligence
Juliana Zanchita
Legal and Data Officer
Miguel González Laguna
Project Business Analyst
Qin Xue Cheong
Lead Data Scientist
Shern Shern Yap
Senior Data Scientist (cum Data Engineer)
Silvia Domingues
Data Specialist
Zeina Hussein
Data Specialist