The Legal and Employee Benefits Team at Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c. provides comprehensive legal counsel and support on matters related to corporate law, employment law, and employee benefits. This team is composed of seasoned attorneys, paralegals, and legal specialists who assist clients in navigating complex regulatory landscapes, developing employee benefits plans, addressing tax implications, and ensuring compliance with labor laws. By offering innovative and cost-effective solutions, the team helps clients manage their workforce efficiently and maintain legal compliance.
Carol Schmitt
Legal Research Specialist/libr...
Delos Lutton
Of Counsel
Diane Duffey
Legal Research Specialist/libr...
Fran Deisinger
Retired General Counsel And Sh...
Harvey Temkin
Real Estate And Business Law S...
Jody Filut
Legal Project Manager
Joshua Taggatz
Attorney At Law
Katie Triska
Shareholder, Labor And Employm...
Troy Hilliard
Business Lawyer
Vincent Beres
Corporate And Tax Shareholder
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