The Occupational Therapy Team at The OT Practice specializes in providing comprehensive and tailored occupational therapy services to a wide range of clients, including private individuals, businesses, schools, and local authorities. This team, composed of highly skilled and experienced therapists, evaluates and addresses the physical, psychological, and social needs of clients, aiming to improve their overall quality of life. They work collaboratively to develop and implement personalized therapy plans, ensuring the highest standards of care and ethical practice.
Alison Noakes
Occupational Therapist
Amy Williams
Associate Occupational Therapi...
Angela Molnar
Senior Occupational Therapist
Catherine Hayden
Independent Occupational Thera...
Clare Justis
Independent Occupational Thera...
Dawn Berryman
Occupational Therapist
Sam Wade
Lead Occupational Therapist, P...
Sharon Kelsh
Associate Occupational Therapi...
Shira Levine
Pediatric Occupational Therapi...
Tracy Kielty
Associate Occupational Therapi...