The Coaching and Wellness Team at The Exercise Coach® is dedicated to providing personalized guidance and support to clients seeking to improve their health and fitness. Comprising certified exercise coaches and wellness experts, this team utilizes data-driven methodologies to deliver optimized, efficient workout plans that cater to individual needs, preferences, and physical limitations. Through a combination of expert coaching and innovative technology, they empower clients to achieve their strongest selves in a safe, enjoyable environment, fostering a holistic approach to health and wellness.
Andrea Bonavigo Yode...
Wellness Coach
Brian Cygan
CEO and Co-Founder of The Exer...
Gene Martinez
Health And Wellness Coach
Jenifer Kempka
Health And Wellness Coach
Lisa Oldach
Owner, Certified Exercise Coac...
Nbc-Hwc Kristina Mit...
Certified Strength And Wellnes...
Nicholas Najibi
Health And Wellness Coach
Scott Degraeve
Co-owner Franchise Locations