Silvia Rosa M.

Presidenta Del Capítulo México De La Acfcs at Association of Certified Financial Crime Specialists - ACFCS

Silvia Rosa M. holds prominent positions in the field of financial crime prevention and public accounting. As Socia at BHR Enterprise Worldwide México and BHR México since October 2022, Silvia plays a critical role in these organizations. Silvia also serves as Presidenta del Capítulo México for the Association of Certified Financial Crime Specialists (ACFCS) since May 2020 and Vicepresidenta de Práctica Externa at the Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos de México AC since October 2021. Additionally, Silvia is a Socia en Prevención de Lavado de Dinero at Zepeda y Asociados Consultores since October 2018. Educationally, Silvia is pursuing a degree as Contador Público, Fiscal y PLD at Escuela Bancaria y Comercial and holds a Licenciatura en Derecho from Universidad Tecnológica Latinoamericana, completed in 2022.
