Silvia Marchesoli

Head of Administration and Strategic Planning at Tessellis

Silvia Marchesoli graduated in Economics and Business at Luigi Bocconi University in Milan in 1991. She worked for nine years at Waste Management Italia, a leading American multinational in the waste collection, management and disposal sector, initially as Area Division Controller, reporting to the Area Manager, and later as Group Consolidated Management Reporting Manager, reporting to the CEO.

In 2000 he joined Tiscali as head of Consolidated Management Reporting and Statutory Reporting. From 2000 to 2005 he managed the implementation and development of a unified reporting system for the Italian and foreign companies of the group, managing the conversion to international accounting standards and aligning accounting processes and methods.

Since 2005 he has been responsible for the company’s Consolidated Financial Statements and financial reporting for Consob and the Markets, including financial reporting on extraordinary finance transactions (M&A, capital transactions).

He currently holds the position of Head of Administration and Strategic Planning.