Tembo Group


At Tembo, it's our mission to contribute to a better world by creating manufacturing solutions for sustainable alternatives. As a family business with 1,200 employees across the globe, we believe in our responsibility to our people, our planet, and the customers we serve. By helping our customers... Read more




Org chart

Denielle Sachs
founder and managing director of Tembo

Denielle Sachs

Ilse Meijer
Global Head Of HR
Sorin Tomus
Global Sales Manager Imatec
Peter van Nimwegen
Senior System Administrator
Richard van der Linde
Director Technology TDC Tembo
Kenny Ramaker
Lead Data Engineer
Maickel Nuij
Lead Engineer R&d
Arjan Koopman
IT Coordinator
David Bushby
Customer Service Engineering
Gert P.
Lead Engineer
Hamid Payanda
Sales Engineer
Jaap Jonker
Customer Support Engineer