Jeff Daniels

Advisor at Synthium Health

A seasoned and highly accomplished Senior Executive with more than 45 years of success across the healthcare, financial management, and IT insurance industries. He has experience with third party administrator-insurance brokerage, change management, directing patients to facilities, and fee management of patients and employers. His broad areas of expertise include leadership, financial management, HR, not-for-profit, and team building. Throughout his executive career, Jeff has held leadership positions with Alta Bates Corporation, a not-for-profit consisting of two hospitals with 700 beds and 15 long-term facilities; Physicians’ Community Hospital (CFO); OrNda HealthCorp (CFO and COO); and St. Elizabeth Health Services, Inc. (CFO and Interim CEO). Jeff is currently the Interim CEO and was the previous CFO at Bingham Memorial Hospital (BMH, Inc.), a not-for-profit Community Hospital with annual net revenues of $105M. At BMH, he was responsible for getting a $10M facility built. He also secured financing for a number of projects, and was instrumental with legal in converting from County Hospital to a 501(3)(C), while remaining independent and private. Over the last 13 months, he asked the board to purchase 3 Robotic Systems which are now in place, and secured financing for a number of innovative projects.