Rainer Zimmermann

Dr. Rainer Zimmermann is Sunny Valley Network’s founding investor and chairman of the board. He brings more than 25 years of wealth of experience in building, scaling, and funding multi-national companies. He is a member of an elite group of high-tech founders in Europe.

Dr. Zimmermann is one of the founders of the world-renowned LHS AG company which was delivering billing and administration software solutions for telecommunications companies. The company went from 3 to 1500 employees, in just 7 years, having operations in Asia, Europe, and the USA. The company went public on NASDAQ and “Neuer Markt” in Germany, achieving a market valuation of over a billion dollars.

He later moved on as an investor in Internet Software and Telecommunications. He repeated his successes with his investments in 360T and ETH AG, reaching valuations over several hundred million dollars.

Dr. Zimmermann’s investments are financed by an investment company he is personally involved in. The focus is on the field of computer software, the Internet, and Telecommunications. He prefers to invest in companies with an extremely sound technical background and in need of management and technical support besides financial help.

Dr. Zimmermann has a Master’s Degree in Mathematics and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Bochum, Germany.
