Alan Stephen Jones

Independent Non-Executive Director at Sun Hung Kai & Co.

Mr. Alan Stephen Jones was appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company on 3 January 2006. Mr. Jones, a Chartered Accountant, has extensive experience in management, administration, accounting, property development, carpark management, finance and trading, and has been involved in successful mergers and acquisitions of a number of public companies in Australia and internationally. He is an independent non-executive director of Allied Group Limited (a company listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) and the ultimate holding company of the Company). Mr. Jones is also an independent non-executive director of Mount Gibson Iron Limited, a company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange and the non-executive chairman of Air Change International Limited, a company listed on the National Stock Exchange of Australia Limited, as well as a non-executive director of Mulpha Australia Limited. He was an independent non-executive director of Allied Properties (H.K.) Limited (an intermediate holding company of the Company and previously listed on the Stock Exchange until 26 November 2020) until he retired in December 2020.