Katherine Buxton

Trustee at Sue Ryder

Katherine currently works as a Consultant in Palliative Medicine at Imperial College in London.

Since her appointment five years ago, she has developed and led on numerous projects focused around her interests of improving planned care pathways and the electronic co-ordination of care across the healthcare settings.

She is currently co-chairing the clinical design group for the NHS Digital Programme End of Life Care work-stream, which is working on an integrated London-wide digital solution for the sharing of care plans.

Katherine has recently been appointed as Medical End of Life Care Lead for Imperial College and is focused on ensuring the delivery of good end of life care within the trust, particularly rapid discharge in line with patient preferences, and improving shared working with speciality teams, especially around the point of hospital admission.

As a trained coach and Schwartz Rounds facilitator, the wellbeing of staff who work and provide care for patients at the end of their life is also a key priority.