A Universal Interactive Creative Studio. We conceptualize, create, design, and launch advanced Digital Experiences for brands who like to create awesome work.
Eduardoluis Manchego
You know when something is wrong; you know when something is right. Trust your gut. Always leave a positive impact on everything you make. Be honest, promote inclusion, be kind to our planet, and empathize with our clients, colleagues, partners, suppliers, and everyone around.
As part of our team, you have the liberty to make choices and act according to your will but also bear responsibility for the consequences of your actions.
Be open to understand our clients, connect with their needs, feelings and expectations to achieve goals together. In every interaction, always remember they are humans too.
Users are humans who are always looking to feel something with everything we create. Make sure to put users first in everything you do.
Make things that bring you joy in your life. Find your spark in every task you do. Use your passion as a bridge to become the GOAT at what you do. Happiness is the goal.
We lose together, We win together. Success is part of teamwork. You are part of something bigger, and every action you take affects others. Always play for the team so we can celebrate the achievements as one.
Time is the most valuable currency you have. Make sure every second adds value to the project you are working on. There is no need to delay things. Each task has its value in time; invest wisely.
Even when you think you've explained something perfectly, check again. Don't assume others understand everything; there's always room to clarify and explain even better. A clear communication minimizes conflict.
You own what goes right and what goes wrong.
You have an essential role at Spotdly, and everything you make has an impact; believe in what you do and give it value. You are the owner of your achievements and the owner of your mistakes.
Always remember why you’re doing what you’re doing. Don't let operativity distract you from the goals. Mindfulness is your best friend so that when you feel lost, you can get back on track and find the why.
Go for the big idea, even if you’re a little scare. Creativity is a muscle, and sometimes you just have to go for that extra rep to make that muscle grow. Don’t be afraid of an idea because it sounds too big. Be afraid of thinking an idea is too big for you to make it a possibility.
We genuinely believe that everyone on our team has something to bring to the table, and we encourage you to push your limits and recognize your potential to excel.
We go always beyond innovation. As natural early adopters, we are focus on using emerging technologies before they hit the market to give our clients an innovative advantage.
We strive to create a compelling visual impact on every project we work on to communicate a message beautifully and effectively.
Never stop improving! For some people, what's needed is enough. For us, it is a need to always go for more.
Don’t panic, act! We have the knowledge and good attitude to conquer any challenge with no excuses. Stay positive, there’s always a solution. Good Vibes, Good life
There’s no reason to make things complicated! We use a pragmatic approach to keep things simple and practical, even if that means making them differently.