The Visual Effects and Animation team at SPIN VFX is responsible for creating groundbreaking visual elements that enhance storytelling in film and television. This multidisciplinary team collaborates closely to produce high-quality animations, detailed 3D models, realistic textures, and captivating visual effects, ensuring seamless integration of digital creations into live-action footage. Their expertise ranges from compositing and lighting to crowd simulation and character animation, making them essential in delivering the stunning imagery that defines SPIN VFX's acclaimed projects.
Aldo Aldana
Caitlin Sullivan
Visual Effects Coordinator
Christopher Malacama...
VFX Editor
Hong Kyoung Kim
DFX Supervisor
Joanna Johnson
Michael W. C.
DMP Artist
Mridul Vij
Rajkiran Bhandari
CFX Supervisor(cloth/groom)
Shantanu Katiyar
Effects Artist
Tuhina Barat
CFX Department Manager