Connie A. Jastremski

Connie A. Jastremski, RN, MS, MBA, ANP-C, FCCM, has nearly five decades of nursing experience. She received her diploma from Presbyterian-University Hospital School of Nursing in Pittsburgh in 1969, her bachelor's in Nursing from the University of Maryland School of Nursing in 1980, her master's in Nursing from the University of Maryland School of Graduate Studies in 1982, and a post-master’s certificate for Adult Nurse Practitioner from the College of Nursing, SUNY Health Science Center in Syracuse, NY, in 1998. Her special certifications include those in neurosurgical nursing, nursing administration, and hospice and palliative care. In addition, she holds a master's in Business Administration from Syracuse University. From 2003 until 2014, Jastremski worked in various nursing administration positions, including as the chief nursing officer and vice president for Patient Care Services, for Bassett Healthcare Network, Cooperstown, NY. During her last year at Bassett, she also worked as a Nurse Practitioner in the Pain and Palliative Care Service until her retirement in 2015. In addition to consulting work, she has also held academic teaching positions within the State University of New York system, including SUNY IT, College of Nursing in Utica, and the SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse, College of Nursing. She has published nearly 100 research papers in peer-reviewed journals and has served on the editorial boards of journals including Critical Care Medicine, the Journal of Trauma Nursing, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, and others.