Betsy Hall

Middle School Deputy Principal at Singapore American School Limited

Dr. Betsy Hall has been with Singapore American School since 2006 and currently serves as a middle school deputy principal. Prior to this role, Hall was a sixth grade English Language Arts (ELA) and social studies teacher, an eighth grade ELA teacher, and a middle school instructional coach. She has also taught in Virginia, Indonesia, and Spain.

She completed her doctorate in educational leadership through the University of Southern California where she focused her research on implementing personalized inquiry school-wide—work that supported the development of the TRi Time program across the middle school. She also has a master’s degree in middle education from George Mason University and a bachelor’s degree in history from Occidental College.

Hall was born in Texas but has lived all over the United States and graduated from high school in Indonesia at Jakarta International School. She enjoys reading middle grades and young adult novels, working the New York Times crossword puzzle, and searching for the best enchiladas on the planet.

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