


SimScale is the world’s first cloud-native SaaS engineering simulation platform, giving engineers and designers immediate access to digital prototyping early in the design stage, throughout the entire R&D cycle, and across the entire enterprise. By providing instant access to a single fluid, thermal... Read more




Org chart

Alexander Fischer
Product Manager & Co-founder
David Heiny
CEO & Co-founder
Vincenz Dölle
COO & Co-founder
Johannes Probst
Senior Software Engineer & Co-founder


This company has no teams yet



We are passionate

We’re excited about SimScale’s mission. We believe in the future we’re building, and are proud to be part of the journey.

We get going when the going gets tough

We understand that tackling big challenges requires big effort, grit, and stamina. Determination, persistence, and doing the right things are required to win.

We own our outcomes

We’re entrepreneurs. If we own a project we take full responsibility for its success or failure, and do not make excuses.

We challenge the status quo

We know that success requires constant innovation. We are active, and open-minded. We don’t shy away from getting a different perspective, and aren’t afraid to disagree.

We put the team’s interest ahead of our own

No matter our position, we serve the team’s interest before our own. We acknowledge that diversity of ideas, skills, and backgrounds helps us to make better decisions.

We walk the talk

We lead by example. We demand from ourselves what we demand from others, and treat others as we want to be treated.

We strive to be world-class at what we do

We’re striving to be world-class in our individual roles, and deliver superior results. We don’t succumb to complacency, and always challenge ourselves to reach higher goals.

We always put the customer first

We start every day determined to serve our customers better. We treat our customers’ success as our success, and their problems as our problems.