She is Head of the Department - Structural analysis at Civil Engineering Faculty, “Ss.Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje Macedonia. Vice-Dean for education and science (2001-2007), Vice-Rector for education (2008-2012), Head of PhD School Board (2009-2012), Regional Coordinator of South-Eastern European Centre for Doctoral Studies-SEEFORM (since 2004), External expert in the work of Agency for Evaluation of High Education in Republic of Macedonia (2003-2004), Member of Macedonian Bologna Follow-up Group (2004-2005), Member of Macedonian Team of Bologna Promoters (2008-2012), Member of pull of expert of Institutional Evaluation Program of EUA (2012-2014). Working on above mentioned positions she had opportunity to be involved in defining and executing Faculty/University Educational and Research Policy, participating in the National Bodies for implementation of Bologna Process, introduction of European Standards in Higher Education and Research Activities at Faculty/University level in Macedonia, participating in the accreditation procedure of Higher Education Study Programs. Her research interest is the field of Structural Analysis and Earthquake Engineering.