The Cybersecurity Team at Secureworks is dedicated to safeguarding the company and its clients against evolving cyber threats. This team, comprised of experts across various domains such as information security, risk compliance, and threat research, works collaboratively to develop and implement robust security strategies, conduct threat analysis, and manage security operations. Their ultimate goal is to ensure the integrity and continuity of services while empowering organizations to navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape confidently.
Abhishek A.
Lead Security Analyst
Andreea Prodan
Senior Manager, Cyber Security...
Don Smith
Vice President Threat Research...
Edward Dewolfe
XDR Channel Director, MSSP
Emanuel - Mihai Rusu
Cyber Security Operations Mana...
Kimberly Fleming
Vice President, Risk & Complia...
Michael Pineau
Director, Detection Research
Mihai Oprea
Senior Manager Security Operat...
Stefan Oancea
Principal Partner Security Arc...
↜ Rob Pantazopoulos ...
Malware Research Lead