Alice Ly

Director at Proniras

Alice serves as a Principal on Alexandria’s Venture Investments and Science & Tech teams where she engages the company’s investment and tenant portfolios based in the Pacific Northwest, respectively. Additionally, as the Head of Alexandria LaunchLabs – Seattle, Alice collaborates with entrepreneurs and supports early-stage companies in the Seattle region. Ultimately, these roles contribute to Alexandria Real Estate Equities’ efforts in fueling the growth and development of each of Alexandria’s regional life science innovation clusters located around the United States. Prior to joining Alexandria, Alice was the founding Program Director of the Life Sciences and Healthcare vertical at the Harvard Innovation Labs where she led the creation and expansion of the Harvard Life Lab, co-managed the President’s Innovation Challenge, and advised life science/healthcare startups founded by Harvard affiliates from the university and affiliated hospitals. Before Harvard, Alice created and developed programs to support PhDs and postdocs develop professional skills for a wide range of career paths in her role as Associate Director of Postdoctoral Affairs at Yale University. Alice completed her Ph.D. and M.S. in Developmental Neurobiology from Yale University and holds a B.S. in Biological Sciences from University of California – Irvine.