The Critical Care Team at Portsmouth Regional Hospital is dedicated to providing specialized and intensive medical care to patients with severe and life-threatening conditions. Comprising a diverse group of healthcare professionals, including nurses, nurse practitioners, surgeons, and physician assistants, this team collaborates to deliver advanced treatments and support in a high-stakes environment, ensuring the highest standards of patient care and safety in the hospital's trauma and intensive care units. Their expertise spans critical care management, cardiovascular procedures, and acute trauma, making them essential to the hospital's mission of delivering comprehensive medical services to the community.
Ali Carroll
Critical Care Tech
Amanda Bruno Roberts...
Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
Andrea Minnis
Critical Care Registered Nurse
Bruce Segal
Critical Care Nurse Cardiovasc...
Dana Reichler
Critical Care Nurse
Deanna Martin
Registered Nurse, Intensive Ca...
Heather Jones (Lindq...
Intensive Care Nurse
Jessica Sliwoski
Intensive Care Nurse
Kate Claesson
Intensive Care Nurse
Nicole Lessard
Physician Assistant Critical C...
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