The Engineering and Technical Development team at Point Designs is responsible for designing, prototyping, and refining advanced prosthetic solutions, including the innovative Point Digit. This multidisciplinary team combines mechanical engineering expertise with manufacturing and fabrication skills to ensure the durability and functionality of prostheses, while also addressing feedback from prosthetists and patients. Their work includes researching new materials, developing production processes, and integrating digital design techniques to enhance the performance and usability of hand prosthetics.
Athena P.
Digital Prosthetic Designer
Barathwaj Murali
Mechanical Engineer
Drake Taylor
Mechanical Engineer
Jim Stenzel
Prototype Machinist
Rebekah Stephens
Fabrication Technician
Serena Kishek
Technical Solutions Engineer
Shannon Baschuk
Fabrication Lab Manager
Tom Noë
Mechanical Engineer
Troy Pomeroy
Production Technician
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