Bertil Tiusanen

Senior Advisor at Oxaio Networks

Bertil Tiusanen, a senior advisor at ACO is currently a Director General and CEO at Lanekassen, the Norwegian State Education Loan Fund in Oslo, Norway. Mr. Tiusanen also serves on the board of Respect Europe of Sweden AB that offers market-leading services and tools within sustainable development and climate, and in SIVA- The Industrial Development Corporation of Norway. Mr. Tiusanen is also Chairman of the Board in CBRE-Atrium a real estate services company in Norway. Mr. Tiusanen was previously a board member at Statkraft, Europe’s largest renewable energy company, served as president and chief executive officer of Protegrity, Inc., a leading provider of privacy solutions and was previously acting president and chief executive officer of Vattenfall AB, the largest public utility in northern Europe, with assets of more than $10 billion. From 1990 to 1992, he was senior vice president for finance and a member of the executive board at Procordia AB, a Swedish conglomerate.

Before that he was executive vice president and CFO at Pharmacia AB, a leading pharmaceuticals and biotechnology firm. Mr. Tiusanen has served on the boards of several Swedish companies including serving on the board of JM AB, one of the largest construction companies in Sweden, and was previously chairman of JP-Bank. He is a graduate of the Gothenburg School of Economics.