Nottingham Economics & Finance Society



NEFS is the largest student run society at the University of Nottingham with over 3600 active members, providing regular skills and career development sessions, employer events and socials to prepare them for success in their new careers in the professional world. We have 7 divisions dedicated to ai... Read more

Org chart

Mayo Adetujoye
NEFS President 2023-24

Mayo Adetujoye

Bilal Mahmood
Co-head Of Marketing
Amber Elliott
Women In Finance Vice Director
Kavisha Patel
Private Equity Division Director
Soraya Johal
Women In Finance Director
Harry Fisher
Equity Fund Analyst
Kabelan Mangaleswaran
Global Economy Analyst
Kamran Ashraf
Equity Fund Analyst
Louis Claridge
Financial Analyst
Michael Anderson
Equity Fund - Analyst
Mohamed Suliman
Head Of Brand & IT
Quim Borrell-Ribas
Equity Fund Analyst - Industrials Sector