Northumbria University



Northumbria University is a university located in Newcastle upon Tyne in the North East of England, gaining university status in 1992.

Org chart

Andy Long
Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive

Andy Long

Phil MacDonald
Interim CFO
Dan Monnery
Chief Strategy Officer
Jane Embley
Chief People Officer
Helen Bower
Interim Chief Marketing Officer
Dianne Ford
Pro Vice-Chancellor for the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
George Marston
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Strategic Projects
Graham Wynn
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education
John Woodward
Pro Vice-Chancellor for the Faculty of Engineering and Environment
Jon Reast
Pro Vice-Chancellor (International)
Louise Bracken
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research & Knowledge Exchange
Robert Macintosh
Pro Vice-Chancellor for the Faculty of Business and Law
Tom Lawson
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Cara Morris
Vice-Chancellor’s Chief of Staff
Georgina Bailes
Secretary to the Board and Head of Governance
Charlotte Alston
Head, Humanities
Richard Binns
Head, Mathematics, Physics & Electrical Engineering
Ignazio Cabras
Head, Newcastle Business School
Sophie Carr
Head, Applied Sciences
Irene Hardill
Social Sciences
Shaun Lawson
Head, Computer & Information Sciences
Heather Robson
Head, Northumbria School of Design
Ashraf Salama
Head, Architecture & Built Environment
Mark Moss
Head, Psychology