AVS Shankar

Regional Director, Middle East at Norplan

Mr Shankar is the Regional Director for NORPLAN Middle East. He has more than twenty years of experience working for NORPLAN in the United Arab Emirates and the Sultanate of Oman and has worked in digital mapping for more than 21 years.

Starting with two years in the Indian Government, he established a Cartographic Database and the design of traffic management systems. Other experiences include:

One of five group members responsible for the Utility Mapping Project funded by NORAD (Norwegian Aid Agency)

Operations and Project Management experience with major IT projects for Abu Dhabi Government and Scandinavian Utility companies, mainly dealing with GIS/mapping projects.

Sub-consultant to Blom as Deputy Utility Mapping Manager for Third Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Colombo, Sri Lanka, coordinating all the mapping related activities and utility detection and survey.

Project manager for large scale mapping of towns and villages of Sultanate of Oman from satellite imagery.

Input to the Mutrah re-development master plan for updating the cadastral map as baseline survey expert.

Input to the new addressing system in Muscat regarding surveys and databases established are essential bases for planning and preparation of EIA.

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