The Directors Team at New York Legal Assistance Group Incorporated oversees and coordinates the organization's diverse units and specialties. This team ensures effective leadership, strategic planning, and collaboration across departments, aiming to provide comprehensive legal services, financial counseling, and advocacy to individuals and families experiencing poverty. The team is also responsible for fostering partnerships, managing outreach initiatives, and upholding the organization's mission to deliver justice and support to vulnerable communities.
Amanda M. Beltz
Director, Domestic Violence La...
Amira Samuel
Director, Pro Bono & Volunteer
Damara Parra
Director, Financial Empowermen...
Jonathan Fox
Director, Tenantsā Rights Unit
Maria Hunter
Director, Public Benefits Unit
Maya Grosz
Director, Training
Nichole Guerra
Director, Philanthropic Partne...
Randye Retkin
Director, LegalHealth
Ryan Foley
Project Director, Veterans Pra...
Sirrah Harris-Dobber...
Director, Outreach & Access to...