David Gudeman

Advisor at NeuroPrex

Dr. Gudeman recently joined as the company’s medical advisor, participates in the product research project of National Science Foundation, USA. He received his MD at University of California, Los Angeles. He completed a residency in Internal Medicine in 1993 and was subsequently board certified. He completed a residency in Psychiatry at UCLA in 1996 and was subsequently board certified. He was the Medical Director in two hospitals in the Los Angeles area and was the Behavioral Health Director of Ventura County from 2000-2003. He was Assistant Clinical Professor at UCLA Olive View Hospital from 2003-2005. He then opened a private practice in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties from 2005 through 2013. As a large part of his private practice he was an early adopter of TMS treatment owning 3 Neurostar TMS machines spread between two clinics. He treated over 100 patients with excellent outcomes treating the most treatment resistant patients out of the over one thousand active patients he treated. He experienced an over 80% response rate of these patients. He is excited about NeuroPrex product idea and thinks NPX addresses some of the main issues that have limited wider spread of TMS as a treatment modality.