Morrison-Maierle Inc.



Morrison-Maierle Systems Corporation (Systems) provides companies of every size with comprehensive computer services, computer repair, network design and installation, database applications, and end-to-end website design and web development.





Org chart

Scott Murphy
President & CEO

Scott Murphy

Carl Anderson
Casey Hanson
VP & Chief Technical Services Officer
Kurt Keith
SVP & Chief Client Services Officer
Brett Etzel
VP & Chief Information Officer
Deborah Johnston
Chair, VP & Industrial Market Group Leader
Jason Mercer
VP & Water-Wastewater Market Group Leader
Jill Cook
VP & Billings Operations Manager
Jeff Ashley
VP & Helena Operations Manager
Letha Ebelt
VP, HR Services
Shaun Shea
VP & Missoula & Spokane Operations Manager
Scott Bell
VP & Airports Market Group Leader
Matt Ekstrom
VP & Development Market Group Leader
Mike Gray
VP & Natural Resources Market Group Leader
Jim Scoles
VP & Transportation Market Group Leader
Arian Bloomfield
VP & Buildings Market Group Leader
John Lavey
Director of Strategic Marketing
Eric Webber
Bend Operations Manager
Travis Eickman
Bozeman Operations Manager
Jeff Feck
Casper & Sheridan Operations Manager
Zane Green
Gillette & Cody Operations Manager
Cory Kesler
Airports Market Group Leader
Lukash Hoff-Pruss
Missoula Buildings Market Group Office Leader
Gunnar Getchell
Survey Market Group Leader
Doug Ardary
Health & Safety Administrator
Pete Weber
Senior Communications Designer
Josh Botz
Information Security Specialist
Ken Fields
Resident Project Representative
Shaun Brown
President, Morrison-Maierle Systems