Rosemarie Hunziker, PhD, is an independent Biomedical Research consultant, with key competencies in: strategic positioning for research portfolios, grant writing assistance, and proposal review, particularly in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. She earned her PhD in Reproductive Immunology under Tom Wegmann at the University of Alberta (Canada). Before retiring at the end of 2018, Rosemarie was a federal scientist for three decades—including 15+ years at NIH (Program Director at NIDCR and NIBIB), preceded by 4 years in Biotechnology and Tissue Engineering at the Advanced Technology Program (NIST). She had programmatic oversight of discovery and applied research grants, spanning the gamut from high-risk/high-reward research to translational and small business awards. Dr. Hunziker brings a diverse background to this broad sphere of research, including experience in Microbiology, Immunogenetics and Immunochemistry, Developmental Biology, Animal Husbandry, Molecular Biology, Stem Cell Technologies, Tissue Engineering (most recently in the Tissue Chips and Cell Manufacturing programs) and Regenerative Medicine, Biomaterials, ImmunoEngineering and Technology Transfer. Rosemarie’s honors include four NIH Director’s awards (for accomplishments in establishing the Multi-Agency Tissue Engineering Science (MATES) Working Group, standing up the NIH’s MicroPhysiological Systems program, organizing awards under the CARES Act Regenerative Medicine Innovation Project, and outreach to NIH’s collaboration with the Defense Department on the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine) and election to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE).
Rosemarie has most recently also joined the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute|BioFabUSA as part-time Director of Strategic Partnerships.