Jesper Skalberg Karlsson

¹óö°ù²ú³Ü²Ô»å²õ´Ç°ù»å´Úö°ù²¹²Ô»å±ð at Moderaterna

Jesper Skalberg Karlsson currently serves as an Allmänföreträdare i rättsliga rÃ¥det at Socialstyrelsen, a position held since June 2023, and as a Ledamot i insynsrÃ¥det at Inspektionen för vÃ¥rd och omsorg since April 2023. Additionally, Jesper is a Riksdagsledamot for Gotlands län, elected in September 2022, and holds roles in various councils and committees including the board of FolkbildningsrÃ¥det and Region Gotland's regionfullmäktige. Jesper has been the ¹óö°ù²ú³Ü²Ô»å²õ´Ç°ù»å´Úö°ù²¹²Ô»å±ð for Gotlandsmoderaterna since May 2015 and served as vice chairman of the regionstyrelsen from 2018 to 2022. Jesper's previous experience includes positions within Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner and the CPMR, as well as chairing the AlmedalsrÃ¥det. Educationally, Jesper is affiliated with KTH Royal Institute of Technology since 2014.
