Dr. Crawford goal is Managing Director of Mission Bay Capital. He has overseen the investment in 40 companies, 6 of which have already enjoyed successful exits (Calithera, iPierian, Redwood Biosciences, True North, Zephyrus, and Cell Design Labs). In additional to Mitokinin, he is also a board member of Avexegen, Circle Pharma, Epiodyne, Graphwear, Invenio, Magnamosis, Magnap, SiteOne (observer), and Tangible Sciences.
Dr. Crawford created and continues to manages MBC BioLabs, a state-of-the-art co-working laboratory program in San Francisco. In its first 4 years, MBC BioLabs helped launch 104 companies that have raised over $1.76 billion. This incubator program reflects Doug’s passion for startups and his eagerness to help entrepreneurs overcome challenges.
Dr. Crawford received his PhD in biochemistry from UCSF.