Susan has used her life experiences to bring the issues of domestic/sexual violence and child abuse to the forefront.  She founded Mujeres Unidas en Justicia, Educacion y Reforma (MUJER)  in 1994, a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of healthy lifestyles, emotional wellness and family stability. Through these efforts, Susan has been able to reach out to families from all walks of life and backgrounds.
Her mission is simple, to improve the quality of life for  women and children and to create a “safe haven” where these children can experience hope.     Through her organization, Susan has been able to do for others what she was unable to do for her sisters.  And she is not done yet.  In June 2004, Susan Rubio Rivera’s work was nationally recognized by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation who selected her and nine others from more than 800 nominees to receive the RWJ National Health Leadership Award for meeting the health needs of her community. Susan earned a Bachelor’s degree from Barry University, received a Louis Stokes Scholarship to attend Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, where she earned a Master’s in Social Work Administration in May 2006.   In 2014, Susan’s story was showcased in “Out of Darkness Into Light” an Emmy award documentary on Childhood Sexual Abuse.