Aaron Grunwald
Editor in Chief Delano online
°äé±ô¾±²Ô±ð Coubray
Rédactrice en Chef Architectur...
Didier Hiegel
Journaliste/Webpublisher Coord...
Ionna Schimizzi
Jeffrey Palms
Journalist companies & strateg...
Jennifer Graglia
Secrétaire de rédaction Paperj...
Manon Meral
Marc Fassone
Sarah Lambolez
Thierry Labro
Rédacteur en Chef Paperjam
When I was a kid, my mom announced that she was going to euthanize our family goldfish by putting him in the freezer. Goldie was sick and incredibly old. We buried the block of ice in the yard.
The first time I've met James Bond (Roger Moore), he made a joke I wasn't able to understand...
J'ai pu monter sur le toit du Centre Pompidou le 31 décembre 1999, juste avant le passage à l'an 2000
The Age of surveillance capitalism / Shoshana Zuboff AND L'homme aux portraits, de Thomas Kunkel
To meet every day with motivated colleagues as I am and to contribute to the quality of the articles published on our website.