Paul Karpecki

Clinical Advisor at MacuLogix

Dr. Karpecki received his Doctor of Optometry degree from Indiana University and completed a fellowship in medical cornea and refractive surgery in Kansas City in affiliation with the Pennsylvania College of Optometry, now Salus University. A noted educator and author, Dr. Karpecki has provided over 1000 lectures at various meetings covering 4 continents. He has also authored over 1000 papers in journals, book chapters, clinical eblasts and newsletters. He has previously served the following roles: President of the Optometric Council on Refractive Technology, Chairman of the AOA Topical Interest Group in Refractive Surgery, Co-Chair of the Integrated Eyecare delivery task force for the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, Chair of the Kentucky Education Committee, Chair of the American Optometric Association Continuing Education Committee, and on the AOA Congress Committee. He currently serves as the Chief Clinical Editor for Review of Optometry, the most read journal in the profession. He is also on the board for the charitable organization Optometry Giving Sight.