The Digital Learning and Workplace Team at Know How! AG specializes in enhancing digital competencies and promoting effective remote working within organizations. By integrating e-learning solutions, creating robust learning ecosystems, and leveraging Microsoft 365, this team empowers employees to thrive in digital environments. They design, implement, and sustain digital learning projects, train staff on new technologies, and provide continuous support to ensure sustainable adoption and success.
Alexandra Lenz
Drehbuchautor & Mediengestalte...
Claudia Eberle
Digital Workplace Beraterin (l...
Jan Dangschat
E-learning Autor & Mediengesta...
Jessica Ashraf
E-learning Production - Projec...
Joanna Thomann
Junior Trainerin Microsoft 365...
Laura Rodgers
E-learning Produzentin & Berat...
Melanie Pfänder
Digital Workplace Expertin & M...
Susanne Braun
Projektleiterin Microsoft 365 ...
Tanja Schmidt
Digital Workplace Expertin