The Scientific Directors at J-PAL lead the organization’s efforts in conducting rigorous, evidence-based research across various regions, focusing on randomized evaluations of programs and policies aimed at alleviating poverty. They provide strategic oversight, foster collaborations with local researchers and policymakers, and enhance the application of research findings to inform decision-making and improve social impact.
Adam Osman
Scientific Director, J-PAL Mid...
Amy Finkelstein
Scientific Director, J-PAL Nor...
Bruno Crépon
Scientific Director, J-PAL Mid...
Francisco Gallego
Scientific Director, J-PAL Lat...
Isaac Mbiti
Scientific Director, J-PAL Afr...
Marc Gurgand
Scientific Director, J-PAL Eur...
Matthew Notowidigdo
Scientific Director
Rema Hanna
Scientific Director, J-PAL Sou...