The Tracking and Acceleration Team at Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF) focuses on monitoring the progress and providing strategic guidance to startups, ensuring their growth and success. This includes personalized mentorship, performance assessment, and facilitating access to resources needed for scaling. The team plays a crucial role in aiding startups through various stages of development, from pre-accelerator to full acceleration programs.
Alexander Saprykin
Alexandr Doroshenko
Трекер Заочной Акселерации
Alexey Chernysh
Dmitri Orlov
Expert, Tracker
Dmitry Torshin
Leading Tracker
Ilya Ivakhin
Эксперт И Трекер Преакселерато...
Kirill Guryev
Lucy Bulavkina
Mikhail Shapovalov
Tracker Corporate Startup Acce...
Zhumakhanov Oleg
Lead Tracker
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