The Financial Risk Management team at ±á²â»å°ù´Ç-²Ï³Üé²ú±ð³¦ is responsible for identifying, analyzing, and mitigating financial risks associated with the company’s operations in the energy sector. This includes managing market risks, optimizing cash flow, and overseeing financing strategies to support sustainable growth and innovative projects. The team collaborates closely with other departments to ensure financial stability while promoting effective resource allocation and risk management practices across the organization.
Anis Bounouh
Business Analyst Team Lead
Anthony Grillo
Senior Commercial Delegate / B...
Diego Fuentes
Director Market Risk
François Giguère
Project Engineer - Team Lead
Jean-Francois Cote
Manager, Financing, Debt Manag...
Maxime Godin
Senior Delegate - Business Dev...
Mohamed Asmine
Senior Electrical Field Test E...
Stephane Pepin
Director - International Finan...
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