Frank John Sixt

Frank John Sixt, aged 68, has been a Director since January 1998 and Alternate Director to Mr Lai since February 2008. Mr Sixt has been an executive director, group finance director and deputy managing director of CKHH since 2015. Since 1991, he has been a director of Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited and HWL, both of which became wholly owned subsidiaries of CKHH in 2015. He has been chairman and a non-executive director of TOM since 1999 and an executive director of CKI since 1996. Mr Sixt has also been a director of Husky Energy since 2000. He has been an alternate director to a director of HKEIML as the trustee-manager of HKEI and of HKEIL since 2015. The aforementioned companies are either the ultimate holding company of HTAL, or subsidiaries or associated companies of CKHH of which Mr Sixt oversees the management. He has also been a director of VHA since 2001. Mr Sixt holds a Master’s degree in Arts and a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Law, and is a member of the Bar and of the Law Society of the Provinces of Québec and Ontario, Canada.