Dr. Nancy Carteron is a fellow of the American College of Rheumatology and is board certified in internal medicine and rheumatology. She provides consultative services to patients, biopharmaceutical, foundation and other stakeholders regarding autoimmune, inflammatory and other immune-mediated diseases. She is an Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California – San Francisco, mentoring medical students and rheumatology fellows. Her research in immunology, molecular virology and cellular immunology at the Johns Hopkins and University of California – San Francisco Medical Centers has appeared in numerous medical journals. Her interest in one under-recognized but common autoimmune disease, Sjogren’s, has led to authoring a book, A Body Out of Balance, a Sjogren’s Forum blog, several publications and tweeting to increase awareness and improve care. Dr. Carteron also serves as a medical advisor for rheumatoid arthritis content for Healthline.com. Her health care policy and advocacy work has focused on chronic illnesses with a high-cost burden, and her current focus is fostering transparency in health care delivery systems. She also is a certified Catechist (www.cgsusa.org), mentoring children age three through 12.