The Academic Instruction and Faculty team at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology is dedicated to delivering high-quality education and fostering academic excellence across various disciplines, including mathematics, science, and technology. Comprising instructors, adjunct faculty, and professors, this team focuses on curriculum development, innovative teaching methodologies, and collaborative research initiatives to equip students with the skills needed for the evolving workforce and to drive regional economic growth.
Anthony Ortega
Corporate Faculty
Cindy Thatcher
Corporate Faculty
Dr Mrunalini Pattark...
Professor Biotechnology; Progr...
Dr. Paraminder Talwa...
Corporate Faculty
Dr. Stanley Nwoji
Part-time Corporate Faculty, A...
Phil Grim
Lecturer In Computer Science
Sam Benigni
Assistant Professor Physics
Sarah Dyson
Corporate Faculty
Satish Upadhyay
Full Time Corporate Faculty
Stephanie Morrow
College Professor
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