The Education and Training team at Commercial School KV Aarau is dedicated to providing high-quality instruction and support for students during their vocational training. Comprising a diverse group of educators and experts, the team focuses on equipping learners with essential skills in various fields, including digital marketing, innovations management, and integrated communication, while fostering a practical and engaging learning environment that aligns with industry needs.
Antonia Steiner
Fachdozentin Und Prüfungsexper...
Claudio Cannatella
Claudio Finocchiaro
Claudio S.
Karl Luca Büeler
Digital Marketing | Social Med...
Lars Berger
Natalie Gijsbers
Dozentin Für Suchmaschinenmark...
Nicole Blum
Dozentin Integrierte Kommunika...
Reto de Martin
Lehrgangsleiter Höhere Fachsch...
Thomas Schiesser
Lehrgangsleiter Marketing & Ve...