General Inception



General Inception is pioneering company creation as the first Igniter company. As an Igniter, General Inception brings a new way to partner with inventors to ignite innovation and nurture transformational companies. General Inception becomes a co-founder and brings together domain expertise, season... Read more

Org chart

Paul Conley
Founder / CEO

Paul Conley

Vikram Chaudhery
Co-founder, President & COO
Francois Valencony
Chief Investment & Business Officer
Sara Jones
Senior Director, Cell Engineering And Synthetic Biology
Carol Tillis
Vice President Finance
Rebecca M. Galler
Vice President Marketing
Christopher Hoppe
Vp, Commercial Development (engineered Biology)
David Moffat
VP Chemistry
Paco Cifuentes
Vice President Of Commercial Development
Sundiep Phanse
VP Of Corporate Development
Jeff Caputo
Executive In Residence
Alexei Erchak
Executive In Residence