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Fuel is your cloud-based financial department. We do your spreadsheets, graphs, and automations. You get P&L, CF, Financial Projections, Est./Actual deviation, Unit Economics, and finally, peace of mind. All in familiar to you Google Spreadsheets. Forget about months of integrations and insane setup... Read more
yes, we are a startup and we make changes (and errors) every day and very fast, in order to be better and to be a billion dollar company (and it’s not a joke)
share information, communicate, give context, give feedback directly and immediately, be honest with other team members
respect both work and time of each other, evolve integrity and inclusivity
make a decision - test it - analyse the result - failure? - take another trial and make a decision - test it again - analyse the result - failure? - repeat this circle again till the moment you find an efficient solution. at the end of the day it is always there!
critical thinking is an answer to how to be better every day. Able to structure and process qualitative and quantitative data and draw insightful conclusions from it.
enthusiasm is a core, do not hesitate to deliver your ideas and thoughts, feel free and welcome to bring new ideas to the company
make the work at fuel fun for everyone, be passionate about what you do.
always learn, be ambitious, become better every day, deliver quality, striving to bring fuel forward
be helpful, learn from others