The Recruitment & Staffing team at ExcellentFlex specializes in sourcing, selecting, and placing qualified candidates in the education sector. They ensure seamless recruitment and staffing solutions, tailored to meet the specific needs of educational institutions, aligning with industry standards and CAO regulations. The team comprises experienced recruiters and planners who have a deep understanding of the education, childcare, and healthcare fields, enabling them to provide personalized and cost-effective HR solutions.
Amber Van Rijn
Recruiter Kinderopvang | Zorg ...
DanĂ¯ella Feller
Recruiter Kinderopvang | Zorg ...
Isabel De Smet
Senior Planner/intercedent
Jalila Seegers
Marije Seekles
Senior Intercedent/planner
Mikki Kaercher
Recruiter Kinderopvang Excelle...
Robin Koch
Coördinator Team Planning
Souad El Oulkadi
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